
Different Kind of Survey Thingie


  • Name: Edward Jay Paulino Paz

  • Birth date: February 10, 1981

  • Birthplace: Al Hasa, Saudi Arabia

  • Current Location: Manila

  • Eye Color: Dark Brown

  • Hair Color: Black

  • Height: 5'9"

  • Righty or Lefty: Righty

  • Zodiac Sign: Aquarius
  • The shoes you wore today: My Rusty Lopez black leather shoes...for work.

  • Your weakness: Comics, Toys, PCs, and food.

  • Your fears: earthquakes, death of my loved ones.

  • Your perfect pizza: seafood with vegies and cheese, or just cheese...a lot of cheese; Yellow Cab's shrimp and garlic pizza, too.

  • Goal you'd like to achieve: Short-term: get promoted, Long-term: Run my own business or become part owner of one; Teach.
  • Your most overused phrase(s) on YM/ICQ: "ayos." or "OK."

  • Your thoughts first waking up: "Tsk! 5 more minutes..."

  • Your best physical feature: eyes, shoulders, BUTT!

  • Your bedtime: 1030 - 1100 pm (on good days).

  • Your most missed memory: The LaSallian.
Layer FOUR:
  • In love?: Yes.
  • Smoke: Nope.

  • Cuss: All the time.

  • Sing: Always.

  • Take a shower everyday: Of course.

  • Have a crush: I'd be abnormal not to have a few.

  • Do you think you've been in love: Duh!

  • Want to go to college: Done with college...further studying is an option...someday.

  • Liked high school: Definitely.

  • Want to get married: Yes.

  • Believe in yourself: Most of the time.

  • Get motion sickness: Nope.

  • Think you're attractive: Sometimes.

  • Think youre a health freak?: Lately, yes.

  • Get along with your parent(s): Of course!

  • Like thunderstorms: Depends.

  • Play an instrument: Guitar...haven't picked it up in a while though.

In the past month...
  • drank alcohol: Yes.

  • Smoked: Nope.

  • Done a drug: Nope.

  • Had Sex: Nope.

  • Made Out: Uh-huh.

  • Gone on a date: Yes.

  • Gone to the mall?: You betcha!

  • Eaten an entire box of Oreos: Nope...I couldn't in the first place.

  • Eaten sushi: No.

  • Been on stage: Nope.

  • Been dumped: Nope.

  • Gone skating: Nope. The last time I put on a pair of skates was in high school.

  • Played a game that required removal of clothing: Never.

  • Been trashed or extremely intoxicated: Hell yeah!

  • Been called a tease: Yeah.

  • Gotten beaten up: Nope.

  • Shoplifted: Nope.

  • Changed who you were to fit in: Once...in my freshman year in college.
  • Age you hope to be married: 27-29...hopefully.

  • Numbers and Names of Children: One boy and one girl my ideal...I'm having a hard time coming up with names that sound nice with my last name though.

  • Describe your Dream Wedding: In a beach or a nice church.

  • How do you want to die: Like I was just going to sleep.

  • Where do you want to go to college: Nothing beats a Lasallian education. An MBA in AIM or a Masters in Singapore would be nice.

  • What do you want to be when you grow up: I think I grew up to fast. Trying to slow down a bit.
  • Drugs taken illegally: None.

  • People I could trust with my life: My family, Pi, Jon, Gerwin, Pao.

  • CDs that I own: A few original music CDs, a couple of burned software and data CDs, some pirated games.

  • Tattoos: None...I'd like one though.

  • Scars on my body: Mostly on my legs, but there's one nasty scar on my left index finger.

  • Things in my past that I regret: I'd like to think there are none...but there are a couple of things.
Whew! That was long.