
No Pressure

Zane was so quick to point out how slow I am in providing answers to the following questionnaire. I don't really mind. It's a good time to update the blog again anyway. Work's been significantly tougher to deal with lately. Projects galore. As of this writing, I am scheduled to stay overnight here in the office to monitor the migration of one of the more critical projects, the details of which, of course, I cannot discuss here. So, let's move on shall we?

  1. What time do you get up?

  2. I set my alarm to go off at 6 AM. But it usually takes 5 to 6 times of "snoozing" before I really get up and prepare for the day ahead. This is in the new apartment. Back in the boarding house, it took 2 to 3 times before I got up.

  3. If you could eat lunch with one person, who would it be?

  4. Pi definitely.

  5. Gold or silver?

  6. Silver. Gold's just too high-profile. Could get held up wearing it.

  7. What was the last film you saw at the cinema?

  8. 50 Firsts Dates (pretty good movie) and Love Actually (good one too if you're a fan of British humor).

  9. What is your favorite TV show?

  10. Shows. Smallville, CSI, and Fear Factor.

  11. What do you eat for breakfast?

  12. Varies between Tuna Sautee, Country Bagel with cream cheese, and Danggitsilog. (Which reminds me, have to buy one of those now. Be right back.)

  13. Who would you hate to be stuck in a room with?

  14. (Ok. I'm back.) It's a long list, and it's too early in the morning to be thinking bad thoughts.

  15. What/who inspires you?

  16. My family, Pi, the future, and knowing that I can be good at what I do (whatever that may be).

  17. What is your middle name?

  18. Paulino.

  19. Beach, city, or country?

  20. Beach all the way!

  21. Favorite ice cream?

  22. Quezo Real and Grand Pistaccio.

  23. Butter, plain, or salted popcorn?

  24. CHEESE! Butter at a close second.

  25. Favorite color?

  26. Navy Blue. Also, colors I'd like to have my ride painted with (Red, Dark Green) and ones that make me look thin. Yellow, depending on my mood.

  27. What kind of car do you drive?

  28. 97 Toyota Corolla GLi, all stock. 1.6L 4A-FE 16-valve EFI engine. Power steering, power locks, power windows. 70,000+ kilometers. Metallic blue. Ending plate 3. Codename: Nefmobile.

  29. Favorite sandwich?

  30. Smoked salmon (expensive, but oh so very delicious). Hot Shots' burgers and Carl's Jr.'s chicken sandwiches.

  31. What characteristic do you despise?

  32. Immaturity, loudness, and cockiness.

  33. Favorite flower?

  34. Do I have to give a serious answer to this question? Rose...because it's easy to spell.

  35. If you could go anywhere in the world on a vacation, where would you go?

  36. Cancun, The Bahamas, practically anywhere with the best beaches.

  37. What color is your bathroom?

  38. White? I can't really tell with the incandescent light.

  39. Favorite brand of clothing?

  40. Ukay-ukay. Bench if I have money.

  41. Where would you retire?

  42. The Philippines still. Baguio or Tagaytay most probably.

  43. Favorite day of the week?

  44. Wednesday. It's supposed to be my lucky day. And I find the thought of "two days have passed and that in two more days it'll be the weekend" inspiring.

  45. What did you do for your last birthday?

  46. Mope (unlike Gerwin, mine was a quarter-life crisis two years too early). Had dinner with Pi at Luk Yuen. Ranted about my supposedly close friends not remembering it was my birthday.

  47. Where were you born?

  48. Al Hasa, Saudi Arabia.

  49. Favorite sport to watch?

  50. Basketball (even though I haven't had the chance to watch some in the last month or so), Tennis, Wrestling (the "If you smeeeeeeeeell..." kind), Wushu, and UFC.

  51. Who do you least expect to send this back to you?

  52. Pi. She never answers this stuff.

  53. Person you expect to send it back first?

  54. I had thought Zane, but Ger proved me wrong.

  55. What fabric detergent do you use?

  56. Downy.

  57. Coke or Pepsi?

  58. Coke. Light. But I don't drink softdrinks anymore.

  59. Are you a morning person or a night owl?

  60. Depends what day it is in the week.

  61. What is your shoe size?

  62. Between 9 and 10.

  63. Do you have any pets?

  64. Three dogs: Lucky, Charm, and Panda.
Well, that's that. Time to get back to work.


Big, White, and Hairy

Happy Birthday, Chief. Have a good one.


Things To Do Before You Die

Heh heh heh. The third one's my favorite.



There's something about the look in your eyes
Something I noticed when the light was just right
It reminded me twice that I was alive
And it reminded me that you're so worth the fight

My biggest fear will be the rescue of me
Strange how it turns out that way, yeah

Could you show me dear...something I've not seen?
Something infinitely interesting
Could you show me dear...something I've not seen?
Something infinitely interesting

Theres something about the way you move
I see your mouth in slow motion when you sing
More subtle than something someone contrives
Your movements echo that I have seen the real thing

Your biggest fear will be the rescue of you
Strange how it turns out that way, yeah

Could you show me dear...something I've not seen?
Something infinitely interesting
Could you show me dear...something I've not seen?
Something infinitely interesting

~ Incubus

How I wish I could write songs like this.


Previously, on Nefville...

Movie Drought
For the first time this year, I have gone two weeks without watching a single movie in the cinema. Hopefully, this weekend will end the streak. I hear I'm missing out on a bunch of great flicks.

Banahaw Street 916F
The apartment is just about ready to live in. The previous weekends were spent mostly shopping around for the basics and scavenging surplus stuff from the Ferrer residence in Laguna. We're lacking a few key ingredients in the apartment recipe but nothing that can't wait 'til the coming weekend. I'll probably be moving in in the next two weeks. Pao, with most of his things already in place, had the opportunity for a dry run last Saturday (our contract officially starts on March 1). Amazingly, it was a lot "dryer" than expected...because there wasn't any water. A water outage was apparently scheduled on that day and the neighbors were kind enough NOT to inform us of this. Oh well, I guess the idea of two grown men moving in together is really bound to repel warm welcome into a neighborhood.

Super Ferry 15
Last Thursday, I tagged along with Pi aboard the Super Ferry 15 (the one that burned down was the Super Ferry 14) for the Philippine Marketing Association's Agora Youth Awards Night, where they honor the top Marketing Students in the country. Pi was a winner (the only one from La Salle) the previous year which would explain why we were their in the first place. This year saw the dominance of Lasallians in the field but that's another story. The highlight of the evening (other than it being my first time aboard an absolutely huge sea vessel, and the free food) was the speech given by Roselle Ambubuyog. She was Class Valedictorian of her elementary and high schools, and graduated Summa Cum Laude, majoring in Mathematics, from the Ateneo. She is currently taking up a Master's Degree in Actuarial Science at UP, with an invitation to work remotely as a consultant for a popular business firm in Florida. It's not so much her achievements that hit me but her disability. Roselle is completely blind.

To make the long story short, after hearing her, a lot of things were put into perspective for me that night. It is unfortunate though that I cannot find a transcript of her speech (which was completely off the top of her head, by the way). Hopefully someday soon. It's very inspiring and worth sharing.

Highway Star
Initial D and Need for Speed: Underground are my two prime addictions at the moment. They're good outlets for the speed freak in you.

Sunday Bloody Sunday
Last Sunday, I had to go the office to correct an application and regenerate some reports. Aside from the fact that the ventilation was turned off, there was dust all around. And lucky me, I just happen to be allergic to dust. By the end of the day, I couldn't stop sneezing and my eyes were really watery. When I woke up yesterday, I obviously wasn't in the best of shapes for work. Fortunately, my boss was kind enough to let me go on leave. There's a slight improvement in my condition today, though the sinus and the throat are still a bit bothersome. Here's hoping I fully recover in the next two days.