

Richard couldn't have said it any better, "Seeing Mon and Bryan go at it like the giddy little boys that they were and still are, makes the night more interesting."

Last night turned out to be a lot better than what Pi and I had initially planned. It felt really good to see the TLS people again, especially the priceless expressions on their faces when they saw Pats (Yep, she's back...we picked her up last Tuesday at NAIA, just in time for their Grandmother's birthday celebration on the same night).

TLS peeps, old and new...mostly old(Clockwise from bottom-left): Joan, Pats, Gerwin, Bernie, Pi, Me, Mon, Richard, Kendrick, Sarge, Peejay, Maan, Zane, and Meg.

TLS peeps, old and new...mostly new(Clockwise from left): Chester, Toffer, Mitch, Pao, Sarge (again), Ivan, Ping, Djong, Ayeen, Gerwin (again), and Ben.

Add a couple more people and we could've occupied the entire second floor. Probably in the next reunion, but somebody else has to plan it this time. Anyway, not in the pictures are Erman (uber-photographer and favorite kapre, he's also the one taking the pictures), and couples Nao and Onins, Bryan and Amy (they left early). By the way, I just noticed that Gerwin seems to be fond of eating ice while having our pics taken. Hwe he he he. Visit his blog for more photos.