
Stripping with Frank Cho

No, I did not come across some pictures of idol Frank in a thong. I did happen to read through some of his comic strips last Friday though, and meyng, are they funny! Just a brief backgrounder on Liberty Meadows. There are (1...2...4...7!) seven main characters in the story. There's Frank (obviously the real Frank's characterization of himself), Liberty Meadows' resident veterinarian and all-around good guy. There's Brandy, the sexy, black-haired girl who happens to be Frank's assistant and love interest. Jen is the other hot girl, very liberated, displays exhibitionist tendencies, and is Brandy's uber-naughty roommate. Ralph is the really angry, and apparently very smart midget bear who keeps on inventing all sorts of high-tech stuff. Leslie is the bullfrog with hypochondria (a hypochondriac indicates someone who thinks he is ill or merely imagines that he has symptoms). Dean is the pig (in every sense of the word), extremely vain and horny, he consistenly throws out these really dumb pick-up lines, which of course result in him getting his fat ass kicked all time. Monkey Boy is Frank Cho the artist, in the comic...'nuff said. Ok, now that we more or less know who the characters are, on with the show!

Dean has got to be the most hilarious character in the series. He's my favorite so far. It's always fun to see him getting into all these kinds of bloopers...

Ralph and Leslie are like the 90's WWF Legion of Doom of Liberty Meadows. They're the best tag team in this series. They're funny on their own but I like them best when they're together...

Brandy and Jen are given favorites, but I particularly like the way Jen is "used" in the strips. Knocks you right off of your feet...