The Day After Tomorrow
Thanks to the powers that be at Pi's good office, she and I were able to catch an advanced (free) screening of The Day After Tomorrow at the Rockwell Cinemas last night. I had really low expectations from this movie after seeing the likes of Independence Day and The Perfect Storm. So imagine my surprise when this turned out to be one of the better films I've seen so far this year.
It's actually pretty good, contrary to how boring and cliche the trailer has promoted it to be. The screenplay is intense, and though a significant part of it is dominated by breathtaking special effects (the likes of which you have never seen before), the film still maintains an excellent level of realism. Writer/Director Roland Emmerich and his team have obviously put a lot of effort in researching and accurately incorporating the scientific bases for the story. But more than the CGI and the script is the fact that no other movie in recent memory has ever gone to such great lengths to stress the very important task of taking care of the environment for future generations. It is this underlying message that makes The Day After Tomorrow all the more worth watching.
I give this movie a 4/5.